Tuesday, March 31, 2015

corruption meaning.

                                                           Corruption Meaning

Jeremy Pope, in his book Confronting Corruption: The Element of National Integrity System, explained that corruption is a global problem that should concern everyone. Corrupt practices are aligned with the concept of totalitarian rule, the dictator-who put power in the hands of a few people. However, no difference in the socio-political system of democratic no corruption may be more severe and even corrupt practices, if the socio-political life of tolerance and even provide space for corrupt practices to flourish. Corruption also acts violating human rights, continued Pope.

According to Dieter Frisch, former Director General for Europe. Corruption is the act increases costs for goods and services, increase the debt of a State, and lowering the quality of a good standard. Development projects are usually selected for reasons of capital involved, not on the urgency of public interest. Corruption always cause socio-economic situation uncertain (uncertainly). This uncertainty is not beneficial for economic growth and a healthy business opportunity. Always happens asymmetric information in economic activities and business. The private sector is often seen as the biggest risk to be borne in running a business, it is difficult to predict how much Return on Investment (ROI) that can be obtained because the cost due to corrupt practices are also difficult to predict. Akhiar Salmi in his paper explained that corruption is a bad deeds, such as embezzlement, bribe receiving and so on.
In his paper, Salmi also explained the meaning of corruption according to Hendry Campbell Black who explained that corruption is "An act done with an intent to give some advantage inconsistent with official duty and the rights of others. The act of an official or fiduciary person who unlawfully and wrongfully uses his station or character to procure some benefit for himself or for another person, contrary to duty and the rights of others. "Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 28 Year 1999 on Implementation of State Clean and Free from Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism, chapter 1 explains that the criminal acts of corruption as referred to in the provisions of legislation governing the criminal acts of corruption. So the legislation of the Republic of Indonesia defines corruption as a criminal act. Mubaryanto, Pancasila economic activists, the article describes the corruption that, one of the major problems associated with justice is corruption, which we now softened into "service learning". Change the name from corruption to corruption is probably justified as it related to corrupt practices and nepotism connection. But it can not be denied that the effect of "replacement" is not good because corruption was the word corruption practices diteleransi easier than the use of the word corruption is plain and clear, without additional collusion and nepotism.

Thensis :
  • the element of national......everyone ( present continous )
  • corrupt practices are......people ( present continous )
  • corruption is the........standart ( present tense )
  • corruption always.......uncertain ( present tense )
  • this uncertainty......opportunity ( present continous )
  • the act of.....others ( present tense )
  • so the legislation.......criminal act ( present tense )
  • corruption was........nepotism ( past continous )

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